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  2. Hi fellow Vancouverite! Thank you so much for your article on Mekong tours. My husband and I would like to do a 2d/1n tour of the Mekon Delta. From your link, I see there are a variety of 2d/1/n tours with differing stops. All the tours of course are “touristy”, however is there one that you would recommend as hopefully being more authentic?

    1. Thanks for checking out the post! Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell as (in my experience) most of the tours follow the exact same route. I think your best bet would be reading recent reviews to see if anyone mentions more authentic or less touristy aspects of a particular tour. It might also be helpful to remember that just because something is touristy, doesn’t mean it’s inauthentic. As fas I could tell on our tour, all of the places we visited were real small businesses run by locals, who were just taking advantage of tourism in their area (as they should!). Sometimes I find that experience a bit nicer as a tourist, since I’m entering into a space where I’m welcome and where the people hosting me are profiting. As romantic as it sounds to just stumble into an unknown hidden gem with locals who are seem to always be happy to host strangers, I try to think of how I’d feel if some tourist came poking around my workplace/home uninvited. Food for thought!

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