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  1. I always forget how amazing Vancouver tap water is until I go elsewhere!

    1. I know, I miss it. And I miss you! Thanks for reading πŸ™‚

  2. Margary Robinson says:

    One of the things I learned while reading your synopsis of things you learned was that your fellows name is Colin. As you know that was my husbands name for 64 yrs. of marriage. Very interesting reading.

    1. Aw thank you so much for reading and commenting. It’s a great name! Sure love those Colins πŸ˜‰

  3. Daisy @ Simplicity Relished says:

    This was so fun to read, Riana! Just discovered your blog– I would love to visit Prague one day so I’m excited to follow this adventure. And I *have* heard of the beer>water reality, but had no idea about the apt numbers. That seems very strange and possibly confusing, haha!

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Daisy. I really appreciate it πŸ™‚ I hope you make it to Prague one day soon. It’s a really beautiful city! Yes, the apartment number thing still blows my mind!

  4. Interesting article! I’m from Europe so some of the facts don’t suprise me that much! The A/C one in particular lol I might write the same type of article about Toronto now! (And A/C will probably be on the list too but not for the same reasons πŸ˜‚).

    1. Yes, I think a lot of these are found in many places in Europe. You should definitely write one about Toronto – I’d love to see my hometown through someone else’s eyes!

    2. Amy Hobbs says:

      My hometown Back on the farm has the best water ever it comes straight from the river the best ever I miss it so much and how much is a nice but cheap apartment but in a good area are the townhouse better like cheaper or what and what do you mean by the water was more dry water can’t be dry LOL water is water it’s always going to be wet My email is X if you would like to write me and tell me about living in Prague I would love to learn more about it I’ve always wanted to go to Prague and visit it look so beautiful especially in the winter time what is it that cold because I live in the desert we have no snow 365 days a year we only have palm trees and stones lol the rich areas have grass though. We might get snow like one day and it will be like two inches and it will be gone by noon LOL Winters are anywhere from 30 degrees to 70 degrees in the summer time are 100 + summertime is my favorite time here I love the desert it’s so dry I love dry heat how is the humidity there is it bad because I’m allergic to humidity it breaks me out in rashes and I can’t breathe I’m severely asthmatic okay I could have an all-day sorry LOL I loved your post

      1. Thanks for commenting, Amy! I hope you get to visit Prague one day and I hope the weather is perfect when you do!

  5. bigfamilytravelsblog says:

    My mother had a moment of a tantrum in Budapest because no corner store or minimarket sold cigarette’s, turns out they have tobacconist shops but they don’t exactly advertise them. And we all mentioned about the water hardness, European thing maybe?

    1. Oh what an interesting fact about Budapest! And yes, I think it’s European wide with the water. I know some people buy special filters for their showers but I’m not quite there yet πŸ™‚

      1. bigfamilytravelsblog says:

        Keep using the second cheapest conditioner πŸ˜‰πŸ™Œ

        1. Haha thank you! I recently purchased a bottle of leave-in conditioner, so I’m really stepping up my game!

  6. I didn’t realise that they have no apartment numbers! How strange! X

    1. Haha it is the weirdest thing! I guess there aren’t enough big buildings for it to be a problem? πŸ™‚

  7. mymeenalife says:

    I had the same issue in Germany with the water. I kept thinking, how do you expect people to stay hydrated if beer is cheaper than water?? Also, the grocery store had AC but it was so weak that the chocolate would melt! Sometimes they would cancel school during a heat wave. We used to get rental cars for the weekend just to enjoy the air conditioning!

    1. Haha what a fun problem to have with beer and water! And I didn’t think of the rental car but what a good hack!

  8. Your write up gives a very good idea about Prague. I really enjoyed your remarks about apt number. It really very funny. Hard water is also a problem. Otherwise, I guess, Prague is a nice place to live in.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, Prague was a wonderful place to live.

  9. Gary Franklin Collins says:

    on the issue of water being less expensive than beer in Prague, in many places in Italy, simple red wine is less expensive than water, especially in restaurants. But back to beer; in Germany, those that hire manual workers are obliged to provide each worker with a certain quantity of beer. Beer is considered a food and much of the caloric intake for manual workers came through …. yes, suds. I remember driving along German roads and seeing the workers with their shovels and picks and, neatly lined up along the road were those brown bottles of 1/2 litre of beer.

    1. That’s so funny! Thanks for sharing – the more you know!

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  11. Parking on the sidewalk may be seen often, but it is illegal unless permitted locally with a sign and can result in your car’s front-left wheel getting a nice β€œboot” from the municipal police.

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