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  1. Girly Gabble says:

    This trip looks amazing!
    Especially the castle! 😊

    I’d love to visit some day!

    Love Lozza xo

    1. Thanks, Lozza. We had a blast! Hope you make it to Sweden soon!

  2. Under Flowery Sky says:

    Looks very beautiful, I would love to explore Sweden…

    1. Thanks! Definitely a beautiful place and I hope you get to visit soon.

  3. Jaya Avendel says:

    Daily fika sounds like the practice for me. It would do wonders for people to just set aside that little bit of time. Your days were certainly packed with wonders; the cheesecake looked amazing, and I love the circle of rocks. Right out of an old fairytale.

    1. Thanks so much, Jaya! Yes, can never say no to fika!

  4. Nina | Lemons and Luggage says:

    Out of these places I’ve only been to Copenhagen and Malmö and liked Malmö so much better. But I’ve heard really good things about Lund.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting! Glad to hear you enjoyed Malmo. I also wasn’t a huge fan of Copenhagen. Hope you get to visit Lund soon!

  5. 안전해외사이트 says:

    Love to spend time near Sea !

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