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  1. Omg, what a great adventure! I literally learned so much from your post. Your pictures are so colorful and beautiful. That’s nice. I love how you have the smallest details and the easiest routes, the best time to go to Cinque terre. Thank you so much for this wonderful post.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! Hope you get to visit Cinque Terre soon!

  2. ladylyrik303 says:

    I’ve had this on my bucket list for YEARS now. I got to see so much through your eyes. Your pictures show the beautiful vibrancy of Cinque Terre and I can’t thank you enough.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you get to visit Cinque Terre soon – it is a gorgeous spot!

  3. bournemouthgirl says:

    What a great trip! It’s sounds like you had fun. You have shared some great photographs! Thank you for sharing x

    1. Thanks so much for reading! Yes, it was a super fun trip.

  4. Michelle Christie says:

    Wow, this place is amazing so beautiful. Such a detailed post too, I love posts like this.

    1. Thanks so much! Definitely a beautiful place in Italy – hope you get to visit soon!

  5. ellieslondon says:

    These are some amazing tips for what looks like a beautiful part of the world. As for the driving, it’s notoriously crap in so much of Italy …ahem Rome, Milan…(surely it has to be okay somewhere!?) Your pictures of Cinque Terre are so great too ❤️

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, driving in the cities and these cliffside parts of Italy is awful. We did drive in Tuscany and it was pretty great. Easy and lots to see! Only issue was finding parking in some of the smaller towns. Thanks again for checking out the post!

  6. Paul (Paul Passing Through) says:

    Definitely agree with spending the night. We actually did two nights, and, like everywhere else in Italy, it’s such a different atmosphere at night than at day after the crowds leave. It’s too bad you missed Corniglia. There’s not much to do, but it does have some pretty views (though, really, you’re spoiled for views in the region!).

    1. Thanks for checking out the post, Paul! Yes, staying for a night or two definitely is wroth it! And I will have to make it to Corniglia next time.

  7. Laken | Work on Monday Travels says:

    I haven’t been yet, but this makes me want to hop on a plane right now 😍 I think I’d want to stay overnight though. I like seeing picturesque places in the evening; felt the same way in the Greek islands!

    1. Thanks so much for checking out the post, Laken! Definitely recommend staying overnight if you have the time for it.

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