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  1. kangaroo1964 says:

    Wow!!! Unbelievable…would never have thought it’s possible for that low, low price! But Boo, you are the ultimate flight deal finder! Love the itinerary you chose…I want to tag along! xo, Moo

    1. Right? It totally blew my mind that you could go all around the world for so cheap. Hehe let me know whenever you want to go and I’ll start booking!

  2. Emily Adams says:

    I love these tips! I’d love to do this someday. It sounds like we have a lot of the same countries left to see 🙂

    1. It’s my dream trip! I used to think it would cost a ton but it seems like it would definitely be do-able. And very cool that we have a lot of the same countries on our list. Hope to see you out on the road one day!

  3. Wow! This is such an exceptional itinerary and a perfect RTW trip, Riana! Loved your suggestions and tips. You make everything sound so possible. I hope I’ll be able to do this one day!

    1. Thanks so much, Lydia! I hope we both get to go on this trip one day soon!

  4. This is such great info! I had never heard of using this process before and really appreciate the tips, as I’ve always been intrigued by RTW tickets but never really looked into the logistics of them. As someone who has always just picked a place to fly into and then explored out by land from there, I love the idea of planning a trip of must-see places regardless of how spread out they might be!

    1. Thanks, Gwen! Yes, it’s definitely a dream of mine to take a full year (or more!) and just do the cheapest one way flights around the world and see where I could end up. Hopefully one day!

  5. Love this! I’d have a hard time choosing locations so I’d let the price dictate the adventure! Now to just get the time off approved!

    1. Thanks for checking it out! Always fun to let the price decide the route. Happy travels!

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