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  1. Steven Jepson says:

    What a beautiful area to spend 5 days on the road. And sounds like some great food too! Congrats on #400! I can’t even fathom that 🙂

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. And yes, a really beautiful and delicious area!

  2. Alice Smith says:

    Riana, thank you so much for this info! It’s very helpful as I’m planning a week in Nova Scotia. I’m very interested in the Cabot Trail. I appreciate how you gave options for different amounts of time spent on the trail, and also how long it takes to get from one town to another. And great to have restaurant and lodging ideas. Many thanks! Alice

    1. Thanks so much, Alice! I’m so glad you’ve found the post helpful. Have an amazing time in Nova Scotia!

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